Here's a few reasons we are “V” as in VICTORY!!
Represented client in a Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) case against Fortune 500 lender in connection with trademark cancellation proceedings.
Represented prominent athlete in an intellectual property dispute involving the right to publicity / invasion of privacy in regard to use of his name and likeness by a major sports manufacturing company.
Represented Canadian company in software piracy & infringement case brought by large software vendor.
Represented multiple manufacturing clients accused of unauthorized software installation and usage by Vero Software.
Successfully asserted reverse domain hijacking offense against cyber-squatting company seeking to bully a domain name out of a law firm.
Represented online retailer accused of selling glasses (frames) alleged to be infringing.
Represented internet podcaster seeking legal advice on first amendment issues.
Served as outside intellectual property counsel for software audit brought by the Business Software Alliance (“BSA”) alleging illegal software usage.
Successfully resolved demand brought by major motion picture studio for alleged unauthorized display and exhibition of copyrighted movies.
Served as lead counsel in major California right of publicity matter involving prominent local businessman.
Obtained a 1.7 million-dollar judgement against real estate brokers for fraud.
Successfully recovered damages against a car dealership for financial elder abuse under the California laws.
Appeared as counsel in breach of contract case for Northwestern Lumber company.
Effectively litigated and successfully settled numerous high-profile real estate cases involving some of the largest banks and financial companies in the world, resulting in appearing on Fox News three times as a guest commentator.
Successfully resolved a real estate fraud case resulting in a large judgement flowing for arbitration.
Successfully defeated a California SLAPP motion recovering a very large attorney fee award for Client against a major law firm specializing in first amendment law.
We have settled numerous software copyright audit claims brought by major software publishers against media companies, designers, manufacturers, gaming company, law firm, medical and dental offices, and many others.
We have had cases dismissed against Clients sued for allegedly infringing Siemens PLM software and were admitted to the U.S. District Court in Houston Texas.
We represented a company accused of copyright infringement of Jewelry in Los Angeles, California arising from the Plaintiff's claim that the client's work was “substantially similar” to theirs.
Fought and obtained temporary restraining orders (TRO) and preliminary injunctions in multiple real estate litigation cases involving alleged violations of various California laws.
Represented multiple clients accused of illegally using copyright photos and images (of allegedly protected works) on corporate websites and blogs.
Successfully resolved a copyright infringement claim in New York (admitted into Federal Court) based concerns of an adult pornography movie company that Defendants illegally filed shared protected movies.
Have successfully handled sand minimized legal exposure in many Malibu Media and Strike 3 torrent download cases (p2p).
Advised client in regard to Television Realty Show contract.
Represent fine art gallery owner / photographer in connection with alleged infringement of original artwork found on internet websites using copyrighted photos to create derivate products without a commercial license.
Advise major California coffeehouse on trademark issues.
Successfully navigated multiple TV signal piracy cases (illegal broadcast of boxing matches) brought by major PPV distribution rights holders.
Represented multiple clients in responding to cease and desist and/or demand letters dealing with Adobe and Apple products including copyright and trademark.
Represented prominent online businesses in drafting terms of services and providing DMCA legal advice.
Advised product designers concerning copyright parody and fair use issues.
Assisted major YouTube celebrity in responding to YouTube take-down notice.
Successfully represented multiple clients in Microsoft internal audits including SPLA audit.
Served as outside intellectual property counsel for trademarks in connection with VAPE products.
Successfully advised and closed cases regarding SIIA (software & information industry association) audits and investigations.
Represented multiple client companies facing demand letters form Solidworks software
Represented multiple companies dealing with Autodesk license compliance audits for CAD, Maya, Inventor, and Revit software issues.
Settled breach of contract claim where a software company was suing a user for piracy for using an unlicensed pirated version of their (expensive) software.
These are just a sample of the cases we have handled. Past successes are no indication of future outcome. These are for reference purposes only.
Important Resources
If you are trying to decide on what intellectual property law firm you want to retain, here are some general resources that may help you make a decision.
- Our Client Avvo reviews
- Our extensive federal court experience
- Our legal Youtube video channel (over 27,000 subscribers and over THREE MILLION video views and growing). Join us and SUBSCRIBE!!
Contact our firm
If you need an intellectual property lawyer to assist you or your company we can be reached at (877) 276-5084,
In many non-litigation cases we can offer flat rate legal fees. In photo, video and software litigation cases (and other copyright infringement matters brought on behalf of rights holders) we may be able to offer a contingency fee recovery. Contact us for more information.