Microphones I Use!
My Rode Podcaster is my favorite mic for filming my Litigation Whiteboard series, and my smartLav+ is great for iPhone recording and making movies on the go.
#LitigationWhiteboard Tools!
Here's two great quality boards (I just ordered a new rolling whiteboard myself). The markers are huge, erasable, and awesome for writing on the Litigation Whiteboard.
Video Editing & Screen Capture Software!
A great software I use for filming and editing my case law videos!
Winning Lawyer Apparel!
These clothes are essential to dressing professional. I make sure to look stylish when I take down those scummy copyright trolls!
Awesome Lawyer Pens!
I never get caught signing a contract representing my clients with a poor quality pen.
Bar Exam Study Aids!
Study up and pass that bar exam!
A Great Gift For Lawyers!
Check and mate.