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Attorney Steve's Setup

Microphones I Use!

My Rode Podcaster is my favorite mic for filming my Litigation Whiteboard series, and my smartLav+ is great for iPhone recording and making movies on the go.

#LitigationWhiteboard Tools!

Here's two great quality boards (I just ordered a new rolling whiteboard myself). The markers are huge, erasable, and awesome for writing on the Litigation Whiteboard.

Video Editing & Screen Capture Software!

A great software I use for filming and editing my case law videos!

Winning Lawyer Apparel!

These clothes are essential to dressing professional. I make sure to look stylish when I take down those scummy copyright trolls!

Awesome Lawyer Pens!

I never get caught signing a contract representing my clients with a poor quality pen.

Bar Exam Study Aids!

Study up and pass that bar exam!

A Great Gift For Lawyers!

 Check and mate.

Contact us for an initial consultation!

For more information, or to discuss your case or our experience and qualifications please contact us at (877) 276-5084. Please note that our firm does not represent you unless and until a written retainer agreement is signed, and any applicable legal fees are paid. All initial conversations are general in nature. Free consultations are limited to time and availability of counsel and will depend on the type of case you are calling about (no free consultations for other lawyers). All users and potential clients are bound by our Terms of Use Policies. We look forward to working with you!
The Law Offices of Steven C. Vondran, P.C. BBB Business Review
