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Attorney Steve® Blog

Cases We’re Working On

Posted by Steve Vondran | Oct 23, 2017 | 0 Comments


California copyright lawyer

Tubular - riding the wave on more great cases this year!

July 2024 Updates:  We are riding yet another wave of great cases!  We are knee-deep in litigation cases in both State and Federal court involving Right of Publicity case, Trade Secrets case, California Anti-SLAPP motion, software disputes with Ansys, BSA software dispute with Adobe, YouTube channel defense (DMCA) and Apple/Google mobile application IP dispute.  We have also been handling photo infringement cases, reviewing and advising on entertainment law contracts and providing copyright fair use opinions.  We are just getting started!!

April 2023 Updates: We are once again taking charge in the area of copyright infringement defense handling hundreds of Strike 3 defense cases and a wide variety of software piracy cases including but not limited to Ansys, Autodesk, Adobe, ad Solidworks.  We have also been fighting an intense battle defending a company in a trade secrets misappropriation case.

June 2022 Legal Updates:  Vondran Legal is a REPEAT CHAMPION being recognized as the #1 copyright defense law firm IN THE UNITED STATES for the second year in a row according to in accordance with the number of cases handled.  This is yet another great honor as we help our clients settle a wide variety of IP and Technology related infringement matters.

2022 Vondran Legal Litigation Updates:  We have remained one of the top copyright infringement litigation firms in the United States.  We continue to handle a large volume of the Strike 3 Holdings adult movie infringement cases in California (Central District, Northern District, and a bit in the Southern and Eastern District).  We have also continued our dominance in the area of software audits and compliance investigations ("software piracy") including but not limited to cases involving Siemens, Autodesk, Vero, Solidwork (Dassault), and others.  Additionally, we have resolved many "Joe Hand Promotion" boxing piracy cases defending bars, restaurants, taverns, and other companies and helped get these Telecommunication Act cases resolved both in and out of court.  Next, it has been another banner year for photo infringement cases and we have settled a large number of image infringement cases for both Plaintiff (ask about our contingency recovery program), and Defendants accused of photo infringement despite the fair use defense.  Finally, IPTV cases are seeming to emerge with more demand letters from the Motion Picture Association ("MPAA") and Dish-Nagrastar threatening legal liability for illegally selling or providing access to movie and television content.  Yes, another banner year and we have just begun!!

September 2021 Updates:  We have remained busy, busy (yes, law marches on despite the global health crisis), handling all types of intellectual property & entertainment law cases.  From defending a slew of new Strike 3 Holdings file-sharing Lawsuits to advising on Pic Rights, Reuters, Agence-France-Press, and Higbee & Associates photo infringement, fair use opinion letters for movie documentary filmmakers, modeling agreement review, review, and counsel regarding social media influencer agreement, software compliance and dispute resolution (ex. Vero infringement, Solidworks | Dassault | Autodesk | Siemens, etc.), Apple disputes, Dish/Nagrastar, and Triller cases, architectural copyright registration, trademark logo registration (we broke 200k views on this great video), and performed much other general business counseling, software compliance, and dispute resolution assignments.

ALSO, THIS YEAR WE WERE IDENTIFIED AS THE TOP COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT DEFENSE LAW FIRM IN THE UNITED STATES by UniCourt.  This came as a shock because we typically don't "check out the scoreboard" (we just grind it out daily for our great clients), but this was a wonderful honor and distinction, and we are well on our way to BACK-TO-BACK titles, so to speak.

April 2021 Updates:  Working on Strike 3 illegal movie download cases, Apple infringement cases, IPTV litigation, patent review of novel medical item, Joe Hand promotion cases, Vero, Solidworks, Siemens lawsuit defense, photo infringement cases with Higbee and PicRights, and more.  Another busy month in the legal trenches.

September 2020 updates:  We are handling several large copyright infringement matters including IPTV, LA Gem & Jewelry (Mom Pendants), Evangelist copyright sermon fair use / alleged infringement, and a slew of internet movie-file sharing cases involving Strike 3 Holdings (Bittorent download). 

We are also busy in entertainment law reviewing contracts, including reality show and music agreements, providing fair use opinion letters for independent film creators, reviewing and advising on music production agreements, and working on boxing satellite and cable piracy cases. 

It's yet another busy banner year for us here at Vondran Legal, and while we are still a leader in handling software audits for companies around the United States, this practice area has slowed slightly since the Business Software Alliance appears to have slowed down greatly due to Covid-19.

Sample cases - Here is an overview of what we have been working on in 2019 and 2020

Orange county IP law firm

We are a boutique intellectual property, copyright, software and entertainment law firm.  We like to think we are the hardest working, most talented and passionate law firm on the planet!

Here's what's brewing in our legal trenches!

  1. Microsoft SPLA audit – closed
  2. Federal Court IPTV litigation against major Hollywood production companies
  3. Apple counterfeit products negotiation
  4. BSA software audit (multiple cases)
  5. Nagrastar satellite piracy
  6. Autodesk software license audit (multiple cases)
  7. TV signal piracy case with Arizona sports bar (Settled)
  8. Cal. Right of Publicity case under California Civil Code 3344 (athlete rights infringement / unfair internet marketing / false endorsement)
  9. Revenge porn case
  10. Advise social media bulletin board site regarding DMCA “safe harbors” / photo infringement issues
  11. Review Youtube MCN contract
  12. Multiple photo infringement license recovery cases for Los Angeles fine art studio
  13. Trademark & Corporate advice for a startup Vodka company
  14. Working on a trademark for a unique beverage company
  15. Theft of Idea case
  16. Jewelry infringement case – federal court lawsuit
  17. Etsy infringement case
  18. Vero software demands (multiple cases)
  19. NagraStar (Dish Network, LLC)
  20. Font infringement case
  21. Working on multiple Siemens software federal litigation cases
  22. Popular singer seeking to have copyright license reviewed
  23. Vape trademark/trade dress case
  24. Software infringement litigation defense
  25. Apple App Store dispute
  26. illegal movie download – Venice PI
  27. Microsoft SAM audit for an industrial supply company
  28. Working on Vero software licensing cases
  29. Identity theft data breach litigation with mortgage and lending company
  30. Copyright infringement litigation dealing with religious videos of famous TV evangelists – fair use/abandonment issues
  31. CBS YouTube video takedown notice – dealing with fair use
  32. Model photo posting on Instagram (right of publicity)
  33. G&G Closed Circuit – TV signal piracy case
  34. Product packaging font dispute
  35. Image Rights Photo Infringement demand letter
  36. Apple infringement response
  37. Trademark applications for sporting goods manufacturer
  38. Financial elder abuse lawsuit against a car dealership
  39. The Software Alliance Microsoft license compliance audit
  40. DMCA product takedown federal court lawsuit and 512(f) bad faith
  41. Dismissal of Strike 3 Holdings, LLC lawsuit
  42. Right of publicity case against global sports company settled favorably
  43. Working on Solidworks infringement software cases
  44. Analysis of “fair use” in photo infringement cases
  45. Recently closed anti-SLAPP and Right of Publicity case
  46. Apple computer counterfeit imports (U.S. Customs and Borders)
  47. Working on numerous
  48. Youtube DMCA takedown counter-notification review for large YouTuber
  49. Counterfeit products sale on eBay – defense of allegations
  50. Potential photo infringement case (use of real estate photo) with Perkins Coie
  51. Architect CAD infringement case (builder taking and making derivative works off copyrighted plans)
  52. Negotiating terms of Autodesk EULA contractual audits with software counsel
  53. Right of publicity case
  54. Software program illegal access case
  55. Autodesk audit defense for Design firm
  56. Podcast [trademark dispute] with a MAJOR television network
  57. Consulting on Adobe copyright infringement letter (distributing counterfeit goods)
  58. Reviewing software litigation case (alleged breach of the settlement agreement by using unlicensed software post-settlement).
  59. Software company looking to set up compliance (license recovery) division
  60. Breach of contract and intellectual property (exclusive rights) in Escape Room case
  61. Autodesk license audit (case dismissed with “take nothing”)
  62. Strike 3 Holdings – illegal movie download cases
  63. Evaluating nail polish infringement case
  64. YouTube star – false takedown notices
  65. Illegal sale of mobile applications on Apple Store (we help clients defend against claims of counterfeit selling). These are really tough cases and if you get a case from Kirkpatrick Townsend call us).
  66. Malibu Media adult movie infringement case
  67. Torrent case – Once Upon a Time in Venice
  68. Reviewing erotica art infringement case (sex comics / BSDM)
  69. BSA software license compliance audits (multiple).  If you receive a call from Venable or another regional law firm for the Business Software Alliance call us.  These cases can invoke personal liability on both directors and officers who had an ability to supervise and a financial interest in not paying for software.
  70. Advising a company on Higbee & Associates photo infringement letter (representing companies such as AdLife, PicRights, PM Media, and Grecco Productions - these guys can be RUTHLESS and RUDE).
  71. Solidworks infringement
  72. Software Alliance audit negotiation for the insurance company (dealing with student licenses and hacked software)
  73. Bitcoin Cryptocurrency litigation
  74. Trademark cancellation proceeding with major shoe company
  75. Photo infringement lawsuit (webmaster use of the unauthorized digital image)
  76. License revenue recovery for a software company
  77. Photo infringement case with Image Rights International
  78. Sports product misappropriation of celebrity image for commercial gain (selling products with a picture on it)
  79. Alleged Textbook infringement on [law firm of Oppenheim + Zeibrak].  This firm represents major publishers such as Cengage Learning, McGraw-Hill, Global Education Holding, Elsevier, and Pearson education.
  80. Business Software Alliance investigation
  81. Malibu Media demand letter
  82. Copyright infringement lawsuit against youtube
  83. VB Conversion, LLS – alleged software over-installation in violation of EULA
  84. WIPO Domain dispute dealing with the major automobile manufacturer
  85. Domain dispute lawsuit with Facebook
  86. Hollywood theft of screenplay
  87. The leak of TV show plot (copyright & DMCA defense).  Allegations involving leaks of high publicity reality show endings.
  88. Software infringement (unauthorized reseller)
  89. 1.8 million real estate commission breach
  90. The Internet radio station (BMI, ASCAP, SoundExchange music copyrights)
  91. Software compliance group Altium software
  92.  Real estate accusation defense
  93. J&J Sports – boxing fight cable piracy
  94. Trademarks (logo and slogan) for online dating website
  95. Large real estate tort bad faith & interference case for commercial property
  96. Architectural copyright licensing
  97. Review of music agreement
  98. Photo infringement contingency recovery
  99. Infringing doll issue
  100. Signup for Youtube Content ID (for video creator)
  101. Fair use software
  102. DMCA Section 1202 – Copyright Management Information (“CMI”)
  103. – [California]
  104. Youtube Fair Use issue with major Youtube Creator
  105. Facebook account takedown due to alleged fashion infringement by Gucci
  106. Right of publicity dispute – book cover photo
  107. Font infringement contingency recovery
  108. DMCA 512(f) “bad faith” Youtube takedown case (alleged music infringement in a video game video)
  109. Strike 3 Holdings – adult video infringement subpoena
  110. DMCA Youtube takedowns
  111. "Fair use" - religious sermons dispute (pastor says OK to use, then dies, widow says NO).
  112. Higbee & Associates photo infringement "fair use" review (make sure to listen to this podcast)
  113. Autodesk internal software audits (international).  MAKE SURE TO SEEK LEGAL COUNSEL, THEY ARE RUTHLESS AND WILL PLAY GAMES WITH YOU.  I HAVE THE PROOF.
  114. Revenge porn case in California (modeling contract turns into the unwanted online posting of private photos).
  115. Petition to reinstate popular Youtube account (music law takedown - uncertain copyright strikes)
  116. Right of publicity case - violation of celebrity endorsement rights (model photo on popular Instagram website).  Lawsuit to follow.  YOU CAN NOT USE ANOTHER PERSON'S NAME, IMAGE, OR LIKENESS WITHOUT CONSENT.
  117. Unlawful use of logo (copyright infringement) to create a business. Fiverr sold an image (allegedly) with no copyrights.  You cannot build a brand off an image you have no rights to.
  118. Domain name dispute (BMW) case (cybersquatting)
  119.  Theft of script (screenwriting) major motion picture studio.  Make sure you are on your NDA's.
  120. California BRE audit (we have many years of experience dealing with the BRE).  Don't go it alone, they want to strip your license.

As you can see, we are a pretty darn busy boutique intellectual property & entertainment law firm.  

We fight hard for our clients and take your business seriously and have been practicing law since 2004.

Listen to Attorney Steve discuss the California Right of Publicity Law

VIDEO:  Click to watch a sample of one of our videos.  What happens when someone uses your name, image, and likeness for advertising and marketing purposes (such as to draw visitors to an internet website) without your authorization.  You DO NOT have to be a famous person to recover and seek an injunction, actual damages, attorney fees, and potentially punitive damages.  Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our awesome legal channel which now has over THREE MILLION video views and over 35,000 subscribers.   As we like to say “Be Smarter Than Your Friends.”

What is a software audit?

VIDEO:  Click to watch Attorney Steve explain “software audits.” We have helped many companies across the United States respond to these allegations of copyright software infringement.  We have handled hundreds of software audits for both small (mom and pop businesses) up to large international firms such as law firms, architects, engineers, creative designers, wood workers and others.  We are one of the top IP law firms in the Country handling BSA software audits, Vero (Alphacam, Cabinet Vision, Edgecam), Siemens PLM lawsuits, Autodesk (CAD, Revit, Maya, Inventor), VB Conversion, Solidworks, and others.

Overview of BitTorrent file sharing defense

VIDEO:  Click here to learn more about file-sharing lawsuits.  We can help with adult pornography cases like Strike Three Holdings, Malibu Media, Flava Works, and others.  Defending internet file-sharing torrent download cases can be very stressful.  Our firm is the proven leader in the State of California, there is virtually no other game in town.  Experience matters.

California Fair Use Lawyer describes Tips for YouTubers to "Stay out of Legal Trouble"!!!

VIDEO:  Click on the picture above to learn more about our Fair Use Tips for YouTubers to avoid online copyright infringement claims.  Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to join over 30,000 people who love our legal information videos!  We are approaching 3 million video views.  As we like to say, this is not your Daddy's stuffy old law firm.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss your case, contact us at (877) 276-5084.  We offer low flat rate fees for many (non-litigation cases) including software audits, entertainment contracts reviews, music law, celebrity endorsement agreements, YouTube disputes, DMCA takedown notices and subpoenas, fair use opinion letters, MPA and Nagtrastar-Doish defense, torrent illegal file-sharing download cases (Strike 3 Holdings, LLC), trademark, UDRP arbitrations, and copyright infringement.

We have extensive federal court litigation experience (particularly in copyright infringement law having appeared in nearly 320 federal court cases). 

We have SOLID-GOLD excellent past client Avvo reviews

About the Author

Steve Vondran

Thank you for viewing our blogs, videos and podcasts. As noted, all information on this website is Attorney Advertising. Decisions to hire an attorney should never be based on advertising alone. Any past results discussed herein do not guarantee or predict any future results. All blogs are written by Steve Vondran, Esq. unless otherwise indicated. Our firm handles a wide variety of intellectual property and entertainment law cases from music and video law, Youtube disputes, DMCA litigation, copyright infringement cases involving software licensing disputes (ex. BSA, SIIA, Siemens, Autodesk, Vero, CNC, VB Conversion and others), torrent internet file-sharing (Strike 3 and Malibu Media), California right of publicity, TV Signal Piracy, and many other types of IP, piracy, technology, and social media disputes. Call us at (877) 276-5084. AZ Bar Lic. #025911 CA. Bar Lic. #232337


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