Business Software Alliance case - TAKE NOTHING
BSA took an aggressive stance, but after reviewing the audit information they realized they had NO CASE. We called them out for pursuing a company apparently on unvetted informant information in our opinion. They asked my Client to sign a certification under penalty of perjury (which we only usually agree to do if they will pay my client's attorney fees. Of course, they did not respond to that offer and would not even give my client the decency of getting closure on the matter after my client responded to the voluntary audit in good faith. Seems they ended up getting "sour grapes" about it, but this was their own fault. This is who you are dealing with people and why you need a good and experienced BSA software defense lawyer to assist you when you receive a demand letter from one of their regional firms Like Venable, Weir-Johnson, FDK Law, Royer-Cooper, etc.
Practice area(s): Copyright