Attorney Steve® LTD (“Living the Dream”) – It's time to earn what you are worth! We can help with low cost startup services.
I'm starting to think there is a wall in many peoples minds where they feel they are born to work for someone else and to just “put food on the table”or just “get by” and “pay the bills.” While that is admirable for sure, I also think there is a rise in people (particularly younger people and even mid level second, third or fourth career types) saying “that's not enough” and taking risks to start their own business and seeing what they are truly capable of being and making and realizing their true potential. Stay tuned, I am going to launch a few videos that show you just how inexpensive it is (from a legal standpoint) to get started, and go for it, and “earn what your worth” (a point that brings many people frustration and depression) dreaming about what could be. I am going to show you what's possible. #EarnWhatYoureWorth #LiveYourDream
First thing is Know what you LIKE TO DO and WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY GOOD AT. The do a google search to see if anyone is making money with your idea. Chances are there is one or more people already doing it. So the question is are they good at what they are doing and are they making money. If the gig looks good, you may want to launch right into this without looking around.
For others, you may need ideas. There is an UNLIMITED number of business idea in the world, and I can give you ideas from just one sliver of life – MAKE SOMETHING COPYRIGHTABLE AND START A BUSINESS BASED ON THAT.
You may be asking, “Attorney Steve®” how can you have copyright as a foundation of your business model?
Well, let's first take a look at all the different things that can be copyrighted for CHEAP that involves a product you can produce and sell. Look here for COPYRIGHT LIST.
Once you have figured out what you are best at, make creating creative works be your destiny. Stop think about your SAFETY NET and start focusing on building your talent. You might say, “Attorney Steve® but I have no talents.” Really? Well if you cannot do ANYTHING on the COPYRIGHT LIST you could always PRACTICE and learn to do something you really love to do. Behind everything you LOVE is a business you can be involved in (in one form or fashion). So start going down the road of your dreams, keep your eyes open, and the rest will follow. No, it will not come overnight, nothing worthwhile does, but with hard work, focus, practice, dedication and keeping your foot on the pedal you may just find yourself working for yourself in the business you truly love. Yes, that is what dreams are all about right? So you will copyright your intellectual property as you go.
So let's take a look at some of the things you can do once you got an idea figured out.
Step One – Form a Corporation
If you are ready to go, forming a business is probably your first step. This means, starting a corporation or LLC for most people. A corporation protects you from personal liability and shows other people you mean business (to me sole proprietors are a bit on the weak side from a business perspective). Not to know it, but it comes off a bit “cheezy” if you asked me. Take the time to incorporate, and the costs are minimal.
Step Two – Get a Trademark
Next, get a trademark for your company name. I have launched a video that has over 43,000 hits – How to Trademark Without a Lawyer. Yes, you can do it once again. This protects your brand name so others cannot use it.
Step Three – Launch!
Next, launch. Get out there and start marketing your brand and creative works. I would build a website and engage in social media marketing. You can learn more here. But that alone is not enough, you have to hit the streets and show off your work. Go to trade shows, fairs, swap meets, flea markets, etc. Listen to input, take down ideas. In many cases just showing up is half the battle. When you put your heart on the line and ask for feedback, people will tell you. If you LISTEN you just might be able to find out what people are looking for and be able to modify your works and fill their need. This is general but applies to almost any product or service.
I met an amazing woman at the “Art Walk” in Balboa Island on Newport Beach. She had started a jewelry business starting with one simple ring, and built her business up attending these and other shows for the last 13 years. She was truly an inspiration and did all the things I am talking about here. So yes, this is a real life story. She said she loves her freedom and doing things her way and making people happy when they see her rings, necklaces, braceltes and pendants.
Step Four – Build a Network / Build Social Media
You want to build “fans and followers” both online and off. Follow up with them.
Step 5 – Repeat, Learn, Grow
Keep adjusting, responding to needs of the marketplace, and keep your foot on the pedal. Don't give up. Learn more, and adjust as needed until you get a product or service people CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT.
Attorney Steve® Advice on Life and Business
Here is a blog I did to help inspire you like other people inspired me along the way.
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For more information and to engage our legal services (many of which can be offered at low FLAT RATE LEGAL FEES) call us at (877) 276-5084.
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