August 2019 Bittorrent Litigation Defense update - Blizzard of suits filed in Colorado

Strike 3 Holdings, LLC makers of Tushy, Vixen and Blacked adult pornography movies has filed numerous more lawsuits in state of Colorado. Here is a look at some of the cases. If you received a subpoena notice from your ISP, call us, we can help defend against these copyright infringement actions that typically seek up to $150,000 in damages and attorney fees. We offer a free consultation.
What to do if you received a Subpoena Notice from your ISP?
1. Don't throw it away thinking it is "a SCAM" (while many think these are a scam, or "troll lawsuits" as some judges refer to it), they have to be taken serious. One of their law firms (Bandlow Law Firm) one of the main filers of adult porn lawsuits in California (Central and Northern District), is deadly serious about these lawsuits and they consider copyright torrent lawsuit file-shares to be akin to a thief who walks into a store and takes a video without paying for it. So you have to first get over the fact that you are in fact being sued.
2. Call US and NOT Them. Some people mistakenly believe they can just call the attorney and "work it out" mainly by stating they did not do the download or did not share any movies. The chances of them believing you, or believing an "unsecure wifi" defense and simply dropping the case is next to none.
3. We can help you review your options and we can represent you to get the case settled, or, if you did not do anything wrong (yes, sometimes their private torrent investigators do get it wrong), we can litigate the case (subject to local rules of federal court admission).
4. Watch the 5 most important video resources right now
1. What is copyright infringement damages?
2. Can you file a motion to quash a subpoena?
3. Who are the bittorrent investigators?
4. What if I just take a default (we just saw a 24k default in a Malibu Media case ($750 per movie).
5. Settlement factors in Malibu and Strike 3 cases
Watch Attorney Steve® explain federal Torrent p2p file sharing lawsuits
VIDEO: Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our popular legal channel. We are closing in on 15,000 subscribers and 2 million video views!!
Call a Federal Copyright Law Firm - Vondran Legal
We are a leader in the United States in Torrent Defense Litigation involving adult pornography companies such as Malibu Media and Strike 3 Holdings. We also handle Flava Works cases. Call us at (877) 276-5084. We offer free initial consultations and low PREDICTABLE flat rate fees!
We have appeared in over 100 federal copyright court cases
We have excellent client reviews. Our job is to get your case settled FAST and anonymously so your landlords, employers, friends, and in some cases involving VISAS and SECURITY CLEARANCES) that the government does not find out. This is definitely a niche area of the law where experience matters! Not a case you want to trust to your "buddy who is a lawyer."
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